Saturday, April 04, 2009



As I sit here at my computer at 4:48am on the morning of Saturday 4/4/2009, I read through some things on myspace and facebook and I was struck with a not so startling realization. People are fake. Not just one in particular, not just some, but each and every person on the face of the earth has moments when they're fake. Some do it out of spite or hurt. Some do it out of the desire to not hurt others. Some just do it because it's simply fun. Unfortunately to those who simply one the truth in their lives, this skews the line between truth and fiction making it even more difficult to sort out what is truth and what is simply a completely fabricated lie to save face and cover one's own short comings. In the past I have been accused of things that the accuser was guilty of not me. All I have to say to anyone engaging in this, the truth will come out. Lies will be caught. And eventually Karma will be a far bigger bitch than I will ever have to be.

Recently, as my last relationship ended rather abruptly because something was said that I won't tolerate, I was told on more than one occasion that I “have moved on already...” and there was much more to it that I'd rather not get into. This appears to be one prime example of someone accusing me of something that the accuser is guilty of not me. While I have not even had one date, and it's not for a lack of offers, I read things from this person and it's pretty evident that he is the one who has moved on. I do, however, wish him the best of luck in life and hope he will be happy in the future with someone who is more compatible.

As many of you know, last November I made a move that has perhaps been the best I move I could've ever made in my life. I moved out of my own apartment and into Palazzo D'Skiboy. While I know some of you are thinking “how can this have been a good move for him” since I've been continually broke, there is a reason for that. Each and every year I make a New Year's Resolution to become debt free that year. Each and every year I fail to accomplish this goal. This year, this move will enable me to pay myself out of debt except for my car by the end of September 2009. Yes that's right I said paid out of debt except for my car by September 2009. My car will be paid off sometime in 2010 and a significant chunk of each paycheck will be going into high yield savings and/or money market. We'll see when we cross that bridge. BUT all this will come to fruition by living on a very small budget that is possible because of me moving in with Skiboy as well as tracking and planning everything down to the penny. So, all in all, I'm sorry boys and girls that I can't be doing more fun things, but I'm trying to get myself situated in life where I can go back to school and actually better my life. In the mean time, I will not be dating anyone, and I'm sorry to those of you who are interested but I must continue on and adhere rigidly to this path if I'm ever going to accomplish my goals in life.
With all this having been said, feel free to chat me up

AIM: Socialites1
YAHOO: sinn95


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